Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Saturday!

Okay so today is leg day! And in honor of leg day, I am going to post my workout for alllll you people.

30 minutes before I work out i'll eat oatmeal (oats and water) and drink a bottle of water. 
*In my last post I forgot to stress how important it is to drink a crap ton of water!

Then about 15 minutes before I'll start drinking my pre-workuout.

I will warm up on the elliptical for 10 minutes and I stretch for 5-10 minutes. You have to stretch out really good so you don't hurt yourself. Seriously... It is so important!!! STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH!!!!! 

I am going to post the exact work I will do and the weight I will use, if you decide to do this workout change it up to where you will feel comfortable.

Back Squat:
1x10: Warm up with bar (bar is 45lbs)
2x10: Bar with 25lb plates on each side
2x8:  Bar with 35lb plates on each side
2x6: Bar with 45lb plates on each side
1x4: Bar with 45lb and 10lb plates on each side

Front Squat:
1x10: Warm up with bar

2x10: Bar with 10lb plates on each side
2x6: Bar with 25lb plates on each side
1x4: Bar with 35lb plates on each side

4x20: 60lb bar or 20lb dumbbells 

Wall sits:
3 sets for 1 minute holding 25lb plate

One Legged Ball Leg Curls:

Circuit from Hell:
Running man: 20
Squats: 20
Squat Jumps: 20
Lunges: 20

Running man: 16
Squats: 16
Squat Jumps: 16
Lunges: 16

Running man: 12
Squats: 12
Squat Jumps: 12
Lunges: 12

Pike ups on ball with push ups:

3 sets for 1 minute

Trunk Twists:
3x20: with 35lb plate

Cardio (If I can walk)

After I am done i'll drink a protein shake (protein powder and water)

Hope this helps! If you don't know what some of these workouts are you can look them up online! Really easy!!! 

Get up and MOVE!!


Friday, March 29, 2013

I have had tons of questions recently about what I am doing to stay fit and in shape. And i'll just start off by saying I am no where NEAR my goal. But I am working hard and hopefully I can get there soon.

I work out 6 days a week and eat CLEAN 6 days a week as well. Sunday is my rest day as well as my cheat day (but cheat day doesn't mean eat everything sugary or unhealthy in sight!!) Everything is good in moderation.

When I go to the gym... ladies... I LIFT WEIGHT! Do not be afraid of the weights (and i'm not talking about the 5lb dumbbells) I lift heavy. It makes me feel strong and powerful. And I am not huge or manly. Lifting weight will not make you look like a man, it will make you look fit and sexy, and there is nothing wrong with that. I can bench and squat more than my body weight.. doesn't mean I am manly, just strong!

I focus on 1-2 muscle groups a day:
Monday- Back
Tuesday- Biceps and Triceps
Wednesday- Legs and Glutes
Thursday- Shoulders
Friday- Back
Saturday- Legs
(I work core every single day)

You will learn something about me through this blog... I hate cardio... But I am trying to get better at it. You SHOULD be doing roughly 30 minutes of cardio after every one of your workouts. This is something I am trying to be better at, but like everything else, it's a work and progress.

Working out is extremely important, but your workouts will basically be pointless if you aren't eating healthy. Getting in shape and loosing weight will come from a combination of eating clean and working out HARD. Achieving your goal is 80% eating and 20% gym. Another thing, weight means nothing! I always say mirrors are better than scales! If you look good and feel good then your weight should not matter!

Eating clean: is trying to stay away from any processed foods, maintain a low sugar intake, whole grains, little to no sodium, lots of vegetables, and protein (especially if you are working out). Try to stay away from eating out, try and cook at home so you know what is going into your body.

Before I workout I eat  about 30 minutes before and drink a pre-workout.
After my workout I have a protein shake. 
*You have to have SOME form of protein after you workout!!!! That is how you get stronger.
*Also, you have to eat before you workout or you risk passing out or throwing up... neither of which are fun.

Hopefully this is helpful. If you have ANY questions you can email me.

Now get up and MOVE!


Thursday, March 28, 2013

I suppose my first blog post should be me explaining why I am doing this. I'll start with high school. At the end of my senior year I decided I would try out for BYU's cheer team. I didn't prepare at all, I flew myself to Utah and went for it... and failed. I did not make the team. I was crushed. So I gave up on cheer completely. And had a horrible attitude toward anything "Cheer". Halfway through my freshman year I met someone who changed my life! He pretty much forced me to try out for cheer again, and I had ZERO desire to. But through many long tense conversations... I was convinced. And I decided that from that point on I was going to work my absolute hardest so if I didn't make it again... I could say I worked my hardest and did everything in my power. So I worked out every single day and made sure I ate healthy. It was not easy and at times I wanted to just quit and give up completely. But I didn't because I had a goal and I wasn't about to give that up. And sure enough.. I made the team. I have never felt happier in my whole entire life. And since that it has been rewarding and everything I wanted. And the reason why I am telling this story is because it shows how goals can be met if you put everything you have into it. And the other reason I will explain now. So, I made the team in April, but we weren't going to start practice until August. And that meant I had to keep myself in shape, and possibly get in even BETTER shape. So.. I hired a personal trainer, and met with him 3 days a week. And let me tell you.. I HATED him. (he is now one of my dearest friends) The reason I hated him was because he made me hurt, sweat, and want to die!!! But I kept faith and kept working with him and about halfway through the summer, I started to see my body change, and see that exercises I did earlier were easy! And that I was getting STRONGER! WHAT??? It was awesome. By the end of the summer I was bigger (in a good way) better, faster, and stronger than I was when I tried out. I freaking loved it! I was ready for cheer. And I had developed a serious passion for working out and personal fitness. Throughout my sophomore year of college up to now my "gym knowledge" has sky rocketed and I have become obsessed. I love it. And I want everyone to love it. And I think that is why I decided personal training was for me. Not because I love to workout but because I LOVE to see other people succeed. There is nothing better than seeing someone achieve their goals!! Because I know how awesome it feels. And that is why I have this blog. I want to take it one step further.. This blog is for anyone and everyone. I will post my own progress, as well as my client's progress, recipes, favorite work outs, motivational quotes, etc. I am so excited to see where this goes and how many people I can influence. 

Now that you're done reading this.. get up and MOVE!
